ExpoTV1 - Service Video Live   (Fiera Rho-Pero-Milano) 
...show your charme!
"Cloud Franchising" 
info & booking: info@expotv1.com
DataCenter's power for You (Live Web)
www.expotv1.it - Via Terrazzano, 85 - 20017 Rho(MI) - Italy

Le riprese e trasmissione in Diretta WEB (Live) offrono
più visibilità ai vostri eventi, dalle vostre location,
fruibili dai siti cliente, con chat e blog dedicati.
(cameramen e addetti IT, audio, video, regia)

 The filming and broadcasting a live webcast (Live) offer more visibility for your event,
from your location, usable by the customer sites, with chat and blogs dedicated.
(Cameramen and IT personnel, audio, video, director)
We find agency and commercial partners (348-7074119).